Month: December 2017
3DsMax Academic After Effects Android Augmented Reality Davinci Resolve Downloadable ENTI Fisherman's Games Multiplayer OBICEX Particles Photon Photoshop Post-Processing Premiere Production Professional Psychology Shaders Singular Void Substance Painter Terrain Unity Unreal Virtual Reality Vuforia WebGL
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Project Solar
Join Hope in Project Solar, a captivating 3rd-person puzzle game. Explore a ruined earth, harness solar energy, and save the world from pollution’s aftermath. Developing shaders, particles & effects. Engine optimizationIntegration with GIT & CI systems.Helping the development and programming…
Desolution – Thesis
Final degree project done in Unity. A light puzzle game with spectacular settings. In this project, organization and production tasks were carried out. As well as shader programming and direction of the artistic technical part. Participants: Download here ( Written…
Jhonny Ricochet
In a city controlled by the Italian-American mafia… A retired private detective faces the ghosts of his past. Can Johnny Ricochet survive another day? Will he be consumed by his vengeance? Will he be able to stop drinking whiskey? Project…
The Last Of Us – Motivations & Relationships
Why The Last of Us, despite apparently contributing little new, is capable of leaving a mark in the memory of its players, relating it to the syllabus given in the subject of psychology, more specifically and in more depth in…