Remembering basic math concepts

1.- Position or vector? #

¿What is the difference between a point and a vector?

In strict math, both are the same. But when using them in practical applications, I like to distinguish between them as such:


In 3D has 3 coordinates. A single point in space


In 3D has 3 coordinates. Direction with scale/magnitude

Interactive graphic

1.1.- Common operations & properties #

1.1.1.- Magnitude #

The length of the vector

We apply the Pythagoras theorem

1.1.2.- Unit Vector #

A vector with length 1

All divisions can be represented as a multiplication

1.1.3.- Multiplication #

Scales the magnitude of the vector

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1.1.4.- Addition #

Moves the vector

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Moving a point through space #

What is this operation?

1.2.- Other operations #

1.2.1.- Dot product #

The cosine of the angle in-between two vectors (Also used for alignment)

Interactive graphic

What I am looking at? #

Given a camera, and a group of points, determine the one nearest to the center of the viewport.

1.2.2.- Cross product #

Perpendicular vector with scale related to the area between the two vectors

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What is the slope? #

The engine gives you three points of collision, and you need to apply a bounce. Find the triangle and it’s normal vector.

2.- The magic hand #

Using our own hand, we have a “cheatsheet” of some basic axis



Cross product

3.- Delta Time #

Interactive graphic

4.- Lines #

5.- Planes #

Updated on 2024-09-17