Before creating a project you need to have installed Unity Hub and a Unity Editor. If you haven’t check this guide: Unity – Installation
We open Unity Hub, go to the project manager, and locate the two buttons that allow us to add existing projects or creating new ones.

1.- Creating a new project #
We click on the “New project” button on the top right corner, and the project creation window will popup.

In this window we will select a starting template, a project name, and its location.
1.1.- Templates #
To see all templates, click on the “All templates” option in the left menu.
Most of these templates just preconfigure Unity in one of the three widely available render pipelines. If you dont know what they are, you can inform yourself in: Unity – Rendering Pipelines
Firstly we select the template, there are a lot to choose from, but these are the most relevant ones:
1.1.1.- Core # 2D (Built-In) #
This is an empty project configured for 2D apps. It uses Unity’s built-in renderer.
The recommended option for beginners that want to start in 2D 3D (Built-In) #
This is an empty 3D project that uses Unity’s built-in renderer.
The recommended option for beginners that want to start in 3D Universal 2D #
This is an empty project configured for 2D apps. It uses Unity’s Universal Render Pipeline pre-configured with 2D Renderer.
A more advanced & completed option for developing 2D games. Better animation tools, lightning options, post-processing… High Definition 3D #
The HDRP (High Definition Render Pipeline) blank template includes the settings and assets you need to start creating with HDRP. Utilizing physically-based lighting techniques, offering advanced materials, lighting and post processing options, compatible with real-time Ray Tracing and offline pathtracing, and leveraging a configurable hybrid tile/cluster deferred/forward lighting architecture, HDRP gives you the tools you need to create projects at a high graphical standard for high end platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, PS4, PS5, XBox One, Xbox Series, and Desktop VR). Universal 3D #
The URP (Universal Render Pipeline) blank template includes the settings and assets you need to start creating with URP. Equipped with artist-friendly workflows for both 3D and 2D based projects, URP allows for quick and easy iteration with optimised best-in-class graphics that range across a multitude of platforms from mobile to high-end consoles and PCs.
A more up to date & optimized version of the Standard 3D. Gives out a bit of extra options. Recommended for professional projects instead of the Standard 3D
1.1.2.- Sample #
These sample templates need to be downloaded and occupy extra space on your computer. High Definition 3D Sample #
Walk through a High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) demo and learn how to develop state-of-the art graphics on high-end platforms. Universal 3D Sample #
These four environments showcase the versatility, scalability, and customizability of the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). The project demonstrates the wide range of URP 3D projects achievable, by presenting different art styles, rendering paths, and scene complexities, tailored for a wide range of platforms from mobile and untethered devices to high-end PCs and consoles.
1.2.- Name #
There are no special instructions for naming the project, but is always recommended:
- Don’t use special characters
- Don’t use spaces
- Remember that the name might change if added to a git repository later on
1.3.- Location #
Make sure that the location where you save your project is not inside a OneDrive or GoogleDrive folder (or similar). These services will remove files & break the project without warning.
The location where the project folder will be created. Be careful and don’t put it on a long path or one with limited permissions. It’s recommended to save it on an internal SSD, and never recommended to save it in an external disk drive.
If you wanna learn how a Unity Project stores files, and what folder structure it uses, you can check: Unity – Project File Structure
2.- Adding an existing project #
If we have downloaded a unity project (Remember to unzip it if it was downloaded on a compressed archive), or if we have cloned one from a remote repository. We need to add it to the project manager of Unity Hub in order to open it.
We click on the dropdown menu right next to the “Add” or “Open” button on the top right corner, and select the “Add project from disk” option.

Now we navigate to our project location, finding the folders: Assets, Packages & ProjectSettings, and click the button “Add Project”

3.- Extra resources #
- Unity project file structure
- Uploading a unity project to git
- Downloading a unity project uploaded to git